3 Days of Prayer, Praise and Worship
Update: See the Schedule for the event
The Niagara Ministerial Council is presenting a special three night, online live event “3 Days of Prayer, Praise, and Worship”. Beginning on Monday, May 18 and proceeding through Wednesday, May 20, the event will be streamed on Facebook Live at www.facebook.com/NFMinisterialCouncil. Each night will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will feature music, prayer, and messages of hope from members of the Niagara Ministerial Council, as well as other guests from the city and around the region. The final night of the service will feature keynote speaker Bishop Paul S. Morton Sr., from Atlanta, Georgia.
Along with the music, prayer, and worship, on Monday the council will welcome Shirley Hamilton of the NAACP, and on Tuesday will feature Karla Thomas of the Community Health Center. Each will provide important information for the community. On Wednesday night, Mayor Robert Restaino will be welcomed to address the community just before Bishop Morton provides the closing keynote message for the event.
Throughout the event, viewers will have the opportunity to make donations for the purchase of masks that will be distributed by the Council on Saturday May 23, 2020. On that day, from Noon-2 p.m. at True Bethel Baptist Church, 1112 South Ave, Niagara Falls, the Council will distribute masks. The giveaway is co-sponsored by Congressman Brian Higgins and Mayor Robert Restaino. The council will also be providing printed information about where individuals can find other resources and help.
The livestreamed event and mask giveaway are not all the Council has been doing for the community with spiritual and practical support. Since mid-March, the Council has been partnering with Community Missions in Niagara Falls to bring hope through daily reflections and links to online worship and spiritual resources posted on HopeForNiagara.org and www.Facebook.com/HopeForNiagara. Contributions to the site and links to online worship and resources from all faith traditions are welcome. Use the contact page on the website to get content submission information.
Monday and Tuesday of the “3 Days of Prayer, Praise and Worship” event each have a different theme: Monday – “Spiritual Healing”, Tuesday – “Physical and Mental Healing”. Wednesday will bring together the experience and culminate with the Keynote message from Bishop Morton.